Help for Parents

Most people do not know how they will react to having a baby in the Special Care Baby Unit until it actually happens. The truth is that we all react differently. BIBS exists to support you and your family through what can be an especially traumatic time for you all, and we hope that the information on the pages in this section will be of use to you.


Our biggest advice for you as a parent is to take up offers of support from those around you; don’t try and cope alone. Family and friends will rally around and will be only too happy to help you in anyway they can. In fact, we’ve prepared additional information aimed at families, giving them ideas on how best to help you during this trying time. Also, if you get the chance to meet other mums, dads and families, you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make.

Within this section you can find further advice, please do have a look around, but do remember that in order to care for your baby, you first need to care for yourself. Try and find activities that you used to enjoy doing before your baby was born – and don’t feel guilty about it.